Smooth Wireframe Dialog

An explanation of fields and properties

Smooth Wireframe

To access this dialog:

  • Activate the Structure ribbon and select Condition | Smooth

  • Run wireframe-smooth in the Command toolbar.

  • Type the 'wfs' quick key combination into the 3D window.

Wireframe smoothing allows you to smooth wireframes, or portions of wireframes, by ‘relaxing’ the positions of the existing vertices. This removes sharp edges by minimizing the distance between connected vertices.

No data is lost with this operation; the same number of vertices are present before and after the operation, although some may have been repositioned. You can use this command as often as is required to generate the required effect, by setting the number of "passes". Each pass represents one iteration of the smoothing process across the entire wireframe surface.


Multiple passes lead to increased smoothing and can sometimes also cause a reduction in wireframe extents and volume if over-applied.


It should also be noted that this function honors the convention that duplicate vertices indicate a break in surface topology, and so any unintentional duplicate vertices should be removed before calling this function (e.g. by running Verify).

The wireframe object to be smoothed can either be selected in the via the Object combo box, or you can choose the Selected triangles option, meaning cleaning will be restricted to selected triangles only.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

Field Details:

The following fields are available:

Object: select either a wireframe object in memory you wish to smooth, or Selected triangles to smooth only the selected data. You can select wireframe triangle data whilst the Smooth Wireframe dialog is open if you wish.

Smoothing Passes: set the number of smoothing iterations you wish to perform on the selected data. A higher number will result in a smoother object.

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